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Coroutines in C

How to implement coroutines (fibers) in the C programming language for Linux.

Table of Content

note: the article may contain errors, you have to keep in mind that it is a really barebone implementation of fibers, and the overview of coroutines is really basic. If you want to complete your research, you should read the sources at the end of the article. If you find an error do not hesitate to make an issue or a pr to ❤️

TLDR: if you like example code, or if you just want a plug'n'play library. You can find my fibers library here:

What are coroutines/fibers?

What is a coroutine?

In a programming language, a coroutine is a concurrency abstraction. Generally, in an operating system, you have a lot of processes running concurrently. The kernel has the ability to force a process to pause, it is responsible to save its context and then and switch to another process. This is called preemptive multitasking.

But in a coroutine, the process is responsible to save its context and switch to another coroutine. The distinction is that instead of being forced to pause at "random" times, the process can decide when to pause. This is called cooperative multitasking.

Preemptive multitasking is managed by the kernel, and cooperative multitasking is managed by the tasks themselves

This means that in a code you could have :

void my_function() { while(true) { printf("hello\n"); yield(); } } void my_otherfunction() { while(true) { printf("world\n"); yield(); } }

And the output would be :

[...] hello world hello world hello world [...]

The yield function is responsible to save the context of the current coroutine and switch to another one (in symmetric coroutines) or the caller (in asymmetric coroutines). The kernel is not responsible whatsoever to switch between coroutines, everything is done in userspace.

What is a fiber?

A fiber is generally a coroutine, but it has its own scheduler. The scheduler is responsible to switch between fibers when they call the yield function.

The advantage of this scheduler is that you can have a blocking condition. It's like a kernel scheduler but in userspace. For example, if you have a fiber 'A' that needs to wait for 10 sec, the scheduler would switch to other fibers and select fibers only when their blocking conditions are met.

You could also have complex blocking conditions such as waiting for a network packet, a file to be writable, etc...

But what are the advantages of coroutines/fibers?

Fibers are generally used when you have a lot of concurrent tasks that are not CPU intensive. They can switch between tasks without having to go to the kernel, which is way faster. For example, if you have a lot of network tasks, you could use fibers to switch between them.

Fibers are also used in game engines to have a lot of concurrent tasks. For example, if you have a game with a lot of entities, you could use fibers to switch between them.

Generally, in multithreading, you need to lock resources because you can't control when a thread is going to access it. But with fibers, as you control the control flow with the yield function, you don't need to lock content.

(except if you have multiple thread using fibers).

How to implement coroutines/fibers in C?

The implementation of fibers in C is not hard, it's divided into multiple parts:

  • The context switching
  • The fiber scheduler

You need a scheduler to select which fiber to use next, and a way to save the fiber.

And in a CPU architecture, you can't just move the instruction pointer by just setting a new value. The CPU is storing temporary data in registers and you need to save them before moving to somewhere else when you call yield.

The context

Switching Context

Here we are going to use the x86_64 architecture with the system V ABI , but the same principle is used in other architectures and ABIs.

This is the hardest part of the implementation of fibers. First, we need to know what we need to store and load when we switch context in the yield call.

In general, each CPUs have registers, a stack and an instruction pointer.

For short, The instruction pointer is used to tell where we execute code, the stack is used to save data across calls and registers are used to pass and manipulate data.

This is true for x86 (64-bit), the architecture consists of 16 (64-bit) registers.

  • rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rsp, rbp (stack pointer and base pointer)

But what about the stack?

The stack is in memory, and the rsp register points to it. When you want to use another stack, you just have to use another rsp value. So switching the stack is like switching a register:

old_stack = rsp; rsp = new_stack;

The ABIs

When you need to save the context, you could save all the registers, but it would be a waste of time. The ABI (Application Binary Interface) is a set of rules that define how to call a function. An ABI is like a low-level standard that is used to tell how different parts of the code are communicating with each other (like when you call a function, how do we pass the arguments ? how do we return a value ? ...). There are multiple ABIs, but the most common is the System V ABI. (Windows use another one called the Microsoft ABI, if you need to implement fibers for windows, you should rework the code to support it).

But what is important for us is that an ABI defines which registers are preserved and which are not during a call.

For example, if an ABI says that the rax register is not preserved, you don't need to save it when you switch contexts. Because the compiler will automatically save it when you call a function:

save_to_stack(rax) my_magic_function() load_from_stack(rax)

Here saving rax in my_magic_function is useless, because the compiler will do it for you.

In the SystemV ABI for AMD64 the preserved registers are:

  • rbx
  • rbp
  • r12-r13-r14-r15
  • rsp
  • mxcsr-x86-CW (they are special registers, we will talk about them later).

And those are the only registers that you need to save when you switch contexts.

If we need to make a structure that represents the CPU context of a fiber we could do something like this:

typedef struct { uint64_t rip; uint64_t rsp; uint64_t rbx, rbp, r12, r13, r14, r15; uint32_t mxcsr; uint32_t x86_fcw; } FiberCtx;

But what is this rip register? It's the instruction pointer. The way to load and save it is harder than loading other registers. We will talk about it when we will implement the switch function.

Imagine a function switch_context that takes two arguments:

extern "C" void switch_context(FiberCtx* old_context, FiberCtx* new_context);

The function switch_context will save the current context in old_context and load the context in new_context. And run the new_context code.

For this, we are going to implement the function with assembly. Hold on! I know that assembly may be hard, but I will try to explain it as much as I can.

The Implementation of the context switching

Note: I'm using nasm syntax, but you can use any other syntax you want.

First, we are going to use a neat feature of NASM: structs. It may be used for representing structs in memory, like structs in C.

struc fibers_ctx .ip: resq 1 .sp: resq 1 .rbx: resq 1 .rbp: resq 1 .r12: resq 1 .r13: resq 1 .r14: resq 1 .r15: resq 1 .mxcsr: resq 1 .x86_fcw: resq 1 endstruc

If you see this, it's the same as the C struct we defined before. Each time we have a resq that means that it is a uint64_t (8 bytes) in memory.

Then we implement the function switch_context.

When we call the function switch_context, the first argument will always be stored in rdi and the second argument in rsi.

That's how we will read and write values in FiberCtx* old_context and FiberCtx* new_context.

Saving general-purpose registers

When we want to store a value in a register, we use the mov instruction.

If we want to set the attribute rbx of FiberCtx to 0x1234567890, we can do it like this:

mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rbx] , 0x1234567890 ; from->rbx = 0x1234567890

Here the mov instruction will store the value 0x1234567890 in the memory address rdi + fibers_ctx.rbx.

We use the [ and ] to tell that we are using a memory address. It's like dereferencing a pointer in C.

The rdi register is the first argument of the function, so it's the address of old_context, we also add the offset of the fibers_ctx.rbx to access the attribute.

We need to do it for each register we want to save, it should look like this:

global fibers_switch fibers_switch: ; SAVING mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rbx] , rbx ; from->rbx = rbx mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rbp] , rbp ; from->rbp = rbp mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r12] , r12 ; from->r12 = r12 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r13] , r13 ; from->r13 = r13 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r14] , r14 ; from->r14 = r14 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r15] , r15 ; from->r15 = r15

For loading registers, we do the same thing but in the other direction. We also use the rsi register instead of rdi, because it's the second argument of the function. We want to use new_context instead of old_context.

; LOADING mov rbx, [rsi + fibers_ctx.rbx] ; rbx = to->rbx mov rbp, [rsi + fibers_ctx.rbp] ; rbp = to->rbp mov r12, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r12] ; r12 = to->r12 mov r13, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r13] ; r13 = to->r13 mov r14, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r14] ; r14 = to->r14 mov r15, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r15] ; r15 = to->r15

Saving the rip and rsp registers

That's great, but we still have the rip and rsp registers to save and load, how do we do that?

We can't use the same method as before, because it's a little bit more complicated.

Before we can load the rip and rsp registers, we need to understand how the calling of a function is represented in the stack.

If we call a function foo: foo(), the CPU will automatically push the rip and rsp registers on the stack. It's used to know where to return when the function is done, and to know where to store the return value.

It should look like this:

rsp + 0 rsp (current stack top)
rsp + 8 rip (return address)


Representation of the stack after the call (equivalent of the table)

Note: we need to remember that the stack grows downwards, so, for accessing the last pushed value, we need to add the offset to the stack top.

Using this we can manipulate the rip value.

That mean that rip is [rsp + 8].

; SAVING mov r8, [rsp + 8] ; r8 = [rsp + 8] (rip) mov [rdi +] , r8 ; from->rip = rsp[]

We need to store in the temporary register r8 because in x86 we can't read and write memory in the same mov.

For the rsp register, we need to store the value of rsp in the rsp attribute of FiberCtx.

But, if we look at the stack, we will see that the rsp register was already modified during the call of the assembly code. (Because the call induced a push of the rip register).

That mean that if we want to find the original value of the rsp register, we need to add 8 to the current value of rsp.

; SAVING mov r8, rsp ; r8 = rsp add r8, 8 ; r8 = rsp + 8 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rsp] , r8 ; from->rsp = rsp + 8

But for loading, it's also a little bit different.

We saw that when we are calling a function we push the return address. That's why we need to add 8 to the value of rsp to get the original value of rsp.

When we call the ret instruction, it will pop the top value of the stack and it will use it as the rip register.

So, for writing rip we need to push the value, then we need to call ret.

That means that we are going to set the value of rsp, then push the value of rip on the stack for the ret instruction.

If you don't understand, here is what the stack looks like during the code execution:

Representation of the stack during the assembly code
; LOADING mov rsp, [rsi + fibers_ctx.sp] ; rsp = to->sp [1] mov r8, [rsi +] ; r8 = to->rip push r8 ; push to->rip [2] ret [3]

For loading the rsp register, we do not need to add 8 to the value of rsp:

; LOADING mov rsp, [rsi + fibers_ctx.sp] ; rsp = to->sp

For loading the rip register, we need to push the value of rip on the stack, then call ret:

; LOADING mov r8, [rsi +] ; r8 = to->rip push r8 ; push to->rip ret

Saving the mxcsr and fcw registers

That's it, we have now a working switching of context between two fibers !

But hold on, we still have a problem, if you try to use any float value, you may get something wrong. That's because the CPU also needs to save and load the floating point context.

For that, we need to save the mxcsr and fcw registers.

They are used to store the floating point context and status (like rounding mode, flag...). They are different than general purpose registers, that's why they have special instructions to load and save them.

They are both using:

  • stmxcsr to save the value of the mxcsr register in memory
  • ldmxcsr to load the value of the mxcsr register from memory
  • fnstcw to save the value of the fcw register in memory
  • fldcw to load the value of the fcw register from memory

But in the end, you should have something like this:

; SAVING stmxcsr [rdi + fibers_ctx.mxcsr] ; from->mxcsr = mxcsr fnstcw [rdi + fibers_ctx.fcw] ; from->fcw = fcw


; LOADING ldmxcsr [rsi + fibers_ctx.mxcsr] ; mxcsr = to->mxcsr fldcw [rsi + fibers_ctx.fcw] ; fcw = to->fcw

The final code

That's it, you now have a working fiber system that can switch between fibers! It's the hardest part of the project, and in the end, the assembly file should look like this:

struc fibers_ctx .ip: resq 1 .sp: resq 1 .rbx: resq 1 .rbp: resq 1 .r12: resq 1 .r13: resq 1 .r14: resq 1 .r15: resq 1 .mxcsr: resq 1 .x86_fcw: resq 1 endstruc global fibers_switch fibers_switch: ; SAVING mov r8, rsp add r8, 8 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.sp] , r8 ; from->ip = rsp mov r8, [rsp] ; r8 = rsp + 8 (return address) mov [rdi+ fibers_ctx.ip], r8 ; from->sp = rsp + 8 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rbx] , rbx ; from->rbx = rbx mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.rbp] , rbp ; from->rbp = rbp mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r12] , r12 ; from->r12 = r12 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r13] , r13 ; from->r13 = r13 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r14] , r14 ; from->r14 = r14 mov [rdi + fibers_ctx.r15] , r15 ; from->r15 = r15 stmxcsr [rdi + fibers_ctx.mxcsr] ; from->mxcsr = mxcsr fnstcw [rdi + fibers_ctx.x86_fcw] ; from->x86_fcw = x86_fcw ; LOADING mov rbx, [rsi + fibers_ctx.rbx] ; rbx = to->rbx mov rbp, [rsi + fibers_ctx.rbp] ; rbp = to->rbp mov r12, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r12] ; r12 = to->r12 mov r13, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r13] ; r13 = to->r13 mov r14, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r14] ; r14 = to->r14 mov r15, [rsi + fibers_ctx.r15] ; r15 = to->r15 ldmxcsr [rsi + fibers_ctx.mxcsr] ; mxcsr = to->mxcsr fldcw [rsi + fibers_ctx.x86_fcw] ; x86_fcw = to->x86_fcw mov rsp, [rsi + fibers_ctx.sp] ; rsp = to->sp mov r8, [rsi + fibers_ctx.ip] ; r8 = to->ip push r8 ; stack[] = to->ip ret ; ip = stack[]

The scheduler

Now that we have a working way of switching between fibers, we need to make a scheduler. A scheduler in software is a component that will manage the order in which tasks are executed.

But before that, we need to define what a fiber is in our code.

The Fiber struct

First, we need to characterize a fiber, a fiber has:

  • a context (the FiberCtx struct)
  • a stack
  • a state (running, waiting...)
  • and a piece of code to execute.
  • A unique ID (like a PID but for fibers).

The different states of a fiber

First, we need to define which states a fiber can have:

  • FIBER_STATE_DEAD : The fiber is dead, it can be deleted.
  • FIBER_STATE_FREE : The fiber is free, it can be reused for another fiber.
  • FIBER_STATE_RUNNING : The fiber is running
  • FIBER_STATE_WAITING : The fiber is waiting for something to happen (like a mutex, a condition variable, a fiber to end...)
  • FIBER_STATE_IDLE: The fiber is idle, it's only selected when nothing else is running.

Note: when a fiber is running, it doesn't mean that it's currently being executed, it means that the scheduler can select it.

We can use those states to know if a fiber is free or not and if it's waiting for something or not. It should be defined in an enum, or by using macros.

Now that we have a way to describe the different states of fiber, we need to represent it in our code:

The fiber struct

As we said before, a fiber has a context, a stack, a state, and a function to execute.

We also need to store its arguments and a unique id.

typedef int FiberID; struct Fiber { uint8_t* stack; FiberCtx ctx; void * args; FiberState state; FiberFn func; FiberID id; };

We may add more attributes to the fiber struct, but for now, this is enough. Now that we have a struct, we can make a way to allocate and free them.

Utility functions

Before doing a scheduler, we need to make some utility functions that will be used by the scheduler, and by the user.

The fiber allocator

First, we are going to store all our fibers in a vector. This vector will be used when we need to schedule and when we need to create a new fiber:

vec_t(Fiber*) fiber_table = {}; FiberID next_fiber_uid = 0;

Note: the vector is from the rxi/vec library.

We also add a variable that will be used to give a unique id to each fiber (we increase it each time we create a new fiber).

So for allocating a new fiber:

  • First, we check if there is a fiber that is free in the table, if there is, we return it.
  • If there is no free fiber, we allocate a new one and add it to the fiber table.
static Fiber* fiber_alloc(void) { for(int i = 0; i < fiber_table.length; i++) { if([i]->state == FIBER_STATE_FREE) { Fiber* c =[i]; return c; } } Fiber* f = malloc(sizeof(Fiber)); *f = (Fiber){}; vec_push(&fiber_table, f); return f; }

Note: the fiber alloc is like a malloc function, it's not responsible for initializing the fiber, it's just responsible for allocating it.

Initializing the table when needed

We need to initialize the fiber table when we need to use it. This means that we also need to transform the current thread into a fiber. Because, if we don't, when we switch to a fiber we will never be able to return to the main function, it will never be saved to a fiber.

To solve this problem, we allocate a new fiber and treat it like it was always there.

static void make_current_as_fiber() { Fiber* fiber = fiber_alloc(); fiber->state = FIBER_STATE_RUNNING; fiber->id = 0; // the main thread is fiber 0 next_fiber_uid++; } static void fiber_init_if_needed(void) { if( == NULL) { vec_init(&fiber_table); make_current_as_fiber(); } }

Getting the currently running fiber

We need a way to get the current fiber, so we can know which fiber is currently running when we try to switch to another one.

For that, we are storing the currently running Fiber offset in the fiber_table in a global variable.

static int fiber_current_table_id = 0;

We can then get the current fiber by doing:

Fiber* fiber_self(void) { fiber_init_if_needed(); // make sure the fiber table is initialized return[fiber_current_table_id]; }

There is also the necessity to change the make_current_as_fiber function to set the fiber_current_table_id to the current running fiber id:

static void make_current_as_fiber() { // [...] fiber_current_table_id = fiber->id; }

Getting a fiber from its id

This will be used by the scheduler, and by the user to get a fiber from its id.

Fiber* get_fiber(FiberID id) { for(int i = 0; i < fiber_table.length; i++) { if([i]->id == id) { return[i]; } } return NULL; }

Creating a fiber

Now that we have some utility functions, we can start creating a fiber.

First, we allocate a new fiber and initialize it:

  • We set its state to FIBER_STATE_RUNNING.
  • We set its member's value like its function and its arguments.
  • We allocate a stack for the fiber.
    • Generally, you want a stack that is at least 4096 bytes, but in some cases, it's better to have a bigger stack. In my case, I used 8192 bytes.
  • We put the next_fiber_uid as the fiber id. Then we increase the global variable by one.
static FiberID fiber_launch_impl(FiberFn func, void* args) { Fiber* fiber = fiber_alloc(); void* stack_pointer = malloc(FIBER_STACK_SIZE); *fiber = (Fiber){ .func = func, .args = args, .stack = stack_pointer, .state = FIBER_STATE_RUNNING, .id = next_fiber_uid };

Then you need to initialize the fiber context:

  • The stack pointer is at the top of the stack, so we need to set the stack pointer to the end of the stack. That's why we add the FIBER_STACK_SIZE to the pointer. (Because CPUs stacks are growing downwards).
  • You also need to set the base pointer (rbp) to the end of the stack.
  • The mxcsr and x86_fcw should be set to their default value at reset.
    • mxcsr is the x86 control and status register it should be set to 0x1F80 at reset.
    • x86_fcw is the x86 control word it should be set to 0x37F at reset.
  • And for last you need to set the instruction pointer (rip) to a wrapper function that we will call _fiber_entry.

If you want to know more about the mxcsr and x86_fcw, you can read the intel manual volume 1 - 11.6.4 and 8.1.5. It's just bits flipped to their default value.

But why do we use _fiber_entry for the instruction pointer? and not the function directly?

It's because there is the necessity to set up and clean up the fiber state, and _fiber_entry would be responsible for that. You also have this sort of wrapper function for the main function in C. Generally it's called _entry and it's responsible for calling the main function and cleaning up the state of the program.

fiber->ctx = (FiberCtx) { .rsp = (uintptr_t)stack_pointer + FIBER_STACK_SIZE, .rbp = (uintptr_t)stack_pointer + FIBER_STACK_SIZE, .rip = (uintptr_t)_fiber_entry, .mxcsr = 0x1F80, // default mxcsr value at reset (see intel manual volume 1 - 11.6.4) .x86_fcw = 0x37F // default x86_fcw value at reset (see intel manual volume 1 - 8.1.5) };

In the end, you should have a function that looks like this:

static FiberID fiber_launch_impl(FiberFn func, void* args) { Fiber* fiber = fiber_alloc(); void* stack_pointer = malloc(FIBER_STACK_SIZE); *fiber = (Fiber){ .func = func, .args = args, .stack = stack_pointer, .state = FIBER_STATE_RUNNING, .id = next_fiber_uid }; fiber->ctx = (FiberCtx) { .rsp = (uintptr_t)stack_pointer + FIBER_STACK_SIZE, .rbp = (uintptr_t)stack_pointer + FIBER_STACK_SIZE, .rip = (uintptr_t)_fiber_entry, .mxcsr = 0x1F80, // default mxcsr value at reset (intel manual volume 1 - 11.6.4) .x86_fcw = 0x37F, // default x86 control word at reset (intel manual volume 1 - 8.1.5) }; next_fiber_uid++; return fiber->id; }

The _fiber_entry function is responsible for calling the fiber function and cleaning up the fiber state. For now, it's just a simple function that calls the fiber function and set the fiber state to FIBER_STATE_DEAD. But later, we will add more stuff to it.

static void _fiber_entry(void) { Fiber* fiber =[fiber_current_table_id]; fiber->func(fiber->args); fiber->state = FIBER_STATE_DEAD; yield(); }

Note: you'll se later why we need to set the fiber state to FIBER_STATE_DEAD and not FIBER_STATE_FREE.

The scheduler

The scheduler is responsible for switching between fibers, but also for selecting which fiber to switch to.

We will implement a round-robin scheduler, that will select which fiber is the next fiber to run. A round-robin is a scheduling algorithm that will switch between fibers in a circular fashion. That means that the next fiber will be the one after the current fiber in the fiber table, and if the current fiber is the last one, the next fiber will be the first one. There is no concept of priority in a round-robin scheduler, so it's not the best scheduling algorithm, but it's simple to implement and it's good enough for our use case. Some scheduling algorithms are more efficient, but they are generally more complex to implement, and some of them are too complex for the intended use of fibers (which may be to rapidly switch between tasks).

Find the next fiber to run

So now, we need a function that, with a fiber id, will return the next fiber to run.

Our algorithm will work as follow:

  • let start_from be the table index of the current fiber.
  • Search through start_from to the end of the fiber table for a fiber that is in the FIBER_STATE_RUNNING state.
  • If we didn't find any fiber, retry but this time searches from the beginning of the fiber table.
  • If we didn't find any fiber, return -1.
static int fiber_next( int start_from) { for(int i = start_from; i < fiber_table.length; i++) { if([i]->state == FIBER_STATE_RUNNING) { return i; } } // we looped through all the fibers from start_from to the end of the fiber table if(start_from == 0) { return -1; } // retry from the beginning of the fiber table return fiber_next(0); }

Switching between fibers

Now that we have a function that will return the next fiber to run, we need to switch between fibers. We will implement the yield function. This function will link the scheduler and the fiber switching function:

void yield(void) { Fiber* previous = fiber_self(); int next_id = fiber_next(fiber_current_table_id+1); Fiber* next =[next_id]; // no need to switch context if we are already on the next fiber if(previous == next) { return; } fiber_current_table_id = next_id; fibers_switch(&previous->ctx, &next->ctx); }

Note: You may spot issues with this function, and you are right, there are issues with this function. And we will address them later.

And that's it for this part, you should now have a working fiber library that can create fibers and switch between them.

In the next part, we will implement a way to have a way to block fiber, we will fix issues (such as some memory leaks), a way to join fibers and much more!

That's one of the biggest articles I've written, It may be a bit too long, but I wanted to make sure that it was clear enough for everyone. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you learned something new! Have a great day!

Note: If you want to see the full code, you can find it on github. It's finalized, so if you can't wait for the next part (or if I'm too slow), you can check it out.

Sources/Go further
